Affordable Ways for Seniors to Start Self-Care Habits That Last All Year Long

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Last Updated on April 3, 2024

Lots of people start the new year with resolutions for better health and wellness, but a good number of them fail to stick with their goals. Seniors often face an even tougher challenge making these changes, especially if you’re on a fixed income. There isn’t a magic solution that makes wellness goals a breeze, but these ideas will make your goals more affordable and sustainable – so they’re easier to achieve over the long-term.


Get the Gear You Need

Caring for yourself isn’t all about “stuff,” but having the right gear is often a necessity for making it happen. For example, if your goal is to start (or maintain) a yoga practice, you’ll be more motivated and better prepared to reach that goal if you invest in a good quality mat and some props. If you do any other exercise on your feet, you’ll also need a good pair of sneakers. According to Family Doctor, a blog by the American Academy of Family Physicians, it’s especially important for seniors to make sure your athletic shoes are designed for the type of workout you’re doing.


Our recommendation is to shop for high-quality gear at discount prices. This way, you can be sure you’re getting goods that last while staying under budget. These discounts are easy to find on deal sites like Rakuten, where you can get deals on numerous items like women’s footwear, plus additional savings and cash back offers.


Easy, Everyday Self-Care

Healthy habits like exercising and eating right make up part of what we should be doing to practice self-care, but truly caring for yourself requires a bit more. Self-care should include making time each day for activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit. If this concept is new to you, or if you’re in a self-care rut, the blog Sixty and Me has some great ideas for starting a self-care practice as a senior. They suggest doing something creative, meditating, and having more conversations with friends or family members.


Most of these self-care strategies are completely free, but if your new activity requires a small investment, you can always find ways to save money. If you want to learn a craft, many communities have senior centers that offer free classes. Or if you want to learn to meditate, check out a book at your local library, or download an app to your smartphone. Most meditation apps are either free or inexpensive to use.


Another essential self-care practice for seniors is to take charge of your health by managing chronic aches and pains with daily stretches and other natural solutions. According to Senior Outlook Today, managing these health problems naturally is one of the top affordable ways for seniors to practice self-care, and doing so can even save you money. For example, using a massager or heat can alleviate pain, reducing or eliminating the need for medications. Along with these everyday habits, making regular appointments for natural treatments like acupuncture can help even more – and it can keep you out of the doctor’s office!


Healthy Meal Hacks

Of course, you’ll feel even better if you also make a commitment to eating nutritious meals. Instead of dieting, which can be expensive and typically doesn’t deliver long-term health improvements, try tweaking your diet by making small, healthy swaps. One of the best ways to make healthy eating easier and more affordable is to start meal planning. Meal planning is a smart strategy that reduces food waste and helps you stay focused on buying only what you need. If this seems like too much of a chore, we suggest trying a free meal planning app to make it simpler and to save even more money.


We know that changing habits is easier said than done. This is why you need more than just the desire to live healthier. You also need a plan that backs up your goals. These ideas are meant to do just that – give you a plan that sets you up for success all year long, while also staying budget-conscious as you invest in your health.

Photo credit: Rawpixel  


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