How Chiropractic Benefits Athletes

Last Updated on March 22, 2024

Active athletes put extra strain and pressure on their bodies. Whether they compete professionally, play with friends or run long miles by themselves all athlete’s bodies need extra support.  Depending on which sport they do, how hard they train, and their age each will require different types of support to keep performing optimally. Many athletes look to nutrition, improved training techniques, and better equipment as ways to improve and stay healthy.  Many athletes employ natural medicine techniques like chiropractic, massage and acupuncture to stay healthy and optimize their performance

Enhanced Performance

Regular care from our sports medicine clinicians can improve overall performance.  By balancing muscles, leveling pelvises, reducing inflammation and keeping the spine properly aligned our team helps athletes minimize their risk of injury and less injury time means more playing time. 

With improved muscle balance, stability, flexibility and range of motion athletes will experience improved performance. For athletes that play through longer seasons or play year-round, the improvement will be noticed as other competitors show signs of fatigue or become prone to injuries. Staying strong throughout the season provides a great advantage.

Improved Injury Recovery

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Unfortunately, injuries are part of the game, and recovering from injuries quickly and completely is important. Here in Portland our team of acupuncturists and our chiropractor have all done advanced training in sports injuries. Chiropractic care helps athletes recover from injuries the same way it helps auto accident victims recover from injuries. Spinal adjustments align your vertebrae so that your tendons and muscles heal correctly. Acupuncture helps reduce pain, improve blood circulation and promotes tissue healing.  

How Chiropractic Helps

Dr. Jerrod Puckett’s treatments are designed to relieve pressure on nerves in the spinal column. He has a Masters of Science in Sports Medicine, which gives him the knowledge and tools to improve healing and athletic performance. When the spinal vertebrae are out of proper alignment the nerve impulses sent from the brain to the muscles will be impaired. This leads directly to impaired performance and possibly injury. The same is true from sensory impulses traveling from the body back to the brain. Proper body mechanics leads directly to improved performance and reduced risk of injury. 

Call today to make an appointment with Jerrod Puckett DC to take your game to the next level!

2 thoughts on “How Chiropractic Benefits Athletes”

  1. It’s good to know that regular care from sports medicine providers can actually reduce the risk of injury. My brother is on the basketball team for our school and he fell yesterday and sprained his ankle. He’ll definitely need to see a sports medicine therapist to help him get it all figured out.

  2. Lily Bridgers

    I love that you talked about how acupuncture helps to relieve pain, enhance blood circulation, and promote tissue healing. Spinal adjustments realign your vertebrae so that your tendons and muscles repair properly. My best friend is a professional badminton player who recently had a back injury which is preventing her from competing indefinitely. I feel like sending this to her and encouraging her to see a sports chiropractor that can help with the treatment. Thanks for the info.

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