Herbal Remedies for Abdominal Pain

Last Updated on April 4, 2024

Herbal remedies for abdominal pain

Abdominal pain, bloating gas and heartburn are conditions that affect many of us.  In fact, according to a Merck corporation survey, 7% of us suffer from abdominal pain on a daily basis!  Abdominal pain is caused by many complicated issues that require careful diagnosis and treatment for lasting relief. 

Many of us aren’t satisfied with the therapeutic options provided by western medicine.  More and more unwanted side effects are being discovered by patients taking these medications long term.  For example, proton pump inhibitors like Priolsec and Prevacid have been linked to pernicious anemia, kidney disease and kidney failure. 

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine offer non-pharmaceutical options for people with chronic digestive disorders. At Inner Gate Acupuncture the clinicians take a careful health history, including a detailed description of your symptoms and their progression over time.  They combine this with an analysis of current diet to determine the best herbal remedies and diet changes for specific abdominal complaints.  

Below are effective herbal formulas used for abdominal pain.  Although the names may seem strange they simply reflect the Chinese names for the herbs in the formula.  These are five of the many commonly used formulas of Chinese herbal medicine for abdominal pain. 

Liu jun zi tang:  This formula is warming and aids with distention and pain in the abdomen.
Shu gan wan: This formula is moving and aids with bloating and pain. 
Shen ling bai zhu wan:  When there is heaviness and a sluggish digestion with loose stools this formula is helpful. 
Gui pi wan:  This formula nourishes and helps when patients are fatigued and feel weakness. 
Xiao yao wan: Stress can play a major role in digestion causing abdominal pain. This formula helps when stress is causative. 
Bao he wan:  This simple formula is designed to be taken when over eating leads to stomach pain.  Everyone should have this on hand for after Thanksgiving!

Remember these are medicines and although they are not prescriptions they should only be taken after being prescribed by a Chinese medicine practitioner.  We supply only high quality herbs and have the training to choose the correct formula for you.  


4 thoughts on “Herbal Remedies for Abdominal Pain”

  1. Herbal remedies are natural medicinal treatments derived from plants and plant extracts. They have been used for centuries in various cultures for their potential health benefits. Examples include herbal teas, essential oils, and herbal supplements, which are believed to support overall well-being and address specific health concerns.
    herbal remedies

  2. “Thanks for sharing! What advice do you have for people dealing with chronic stomach pain? Are there any lifestyle changes or treatments that can provide long-term relief?”

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